Organisational Culture Diagnostic Instrument (OCDI)

Measuring Safety Culture in Correlation with Safety Performance

When it comes to safety performance, culture matters. Organisational research shows that the attributes that distinguish high-performing organisations from mid- to low-level performers are identifiable, measurable and actionable.

Our validated Organisational Culture Diagnostic Instrument (OCDI) helps you gain an accurate picture of these critical characteristics and use the results to design an effective change strategy. The OCDI measures a specific set of factors predictive of safety performance using survey data gathered through web-based and/or hardcopy surveys as well as data from leadership and staff interviews and focus groups. This methodology yields a comprehensive overview of the status quo and helps articulate the link between culture and the behaviour of individuals and workgroups.
Our transformational approach allows clients to evolve in terms of both their organisational culture and their operational environment, enabling them to reduce exposures and injuries, save lives, protect assets—and in the process, improve performance.

Your Benefits

  • An impartial profile of your organisation’s culture and safety climate
  • Improved safety performance that capitalises on cultural strengths and addresses challenges
  • Noticeable gains across the nine cultural factors targeted in the assessment

Our Approach

The OCDI evaluates nine different factors related to organisational safety culture. 25 years of research have shown these factors to be predictive of performance across corporate functions, including safety. The OCDI results enable you to identify appropriate targets for improvement by providing an impartial perspective on cultural strengths and challenges.
The OCDI includes focus groups and interviews with executives, managers and company employees in order to illustrate, with concrete examples, how an organisation’s culture influences the behavior of individuals and teams. Unlike other tools that merely collect perceptions, the OCDI highlights gaps in your culture that are directly related to safety outcomes. In addition, OCDI data can be sorted to create a diagnostic profile for distinct areas of your organisation, or be broken down by employees’ level of activity, employment status, years worked in the organisation, or marital status.
Over 2,200 sites have administered the OCDI. Your individual organisation’s diagnostic results are measured against this norms database to establish a percentile comparison. In addition to benchmarking the current culture, organisations typically re-administer the OCDI at intervals of 18-24 months to track progress over time. On average, clients see more than a 20-point percentage gain across the nine factors targeted in the assessment after working with us.


  • We are able to predict performance across business functions, including safety, with our unique OCDI services.
  • We have a comprehensive approach to assessing organisational culture that supports our clients’ efforts.
  • We specialise in close collaboration with our clients, sharing our expertise and designing tailored solutions.