Leading Safety Performance™

A Workshop to Develop Authentic Leadership and Improve Safety Performance

Leading Safety Performance™ is a two day leadership workshop, recognized by the 'Institute of Leadership and Management', the training has been designed to develop the skills and capabilities to lead a safety culture that exhibits care. The workshop will cover topics such as emotional intelligence, communication and mindful leadership. As a participant you will make a commitment during the workshop to introducing these concepts into your role at work.


The key objectives of the safety leadership training include:
Authentic safety leadership, self-awareness and communication
  • The cultural maturity ladder
  • How you can create an informed culture
  • The components of a culture of denial
  • The qualities that High Reliability Organisations (HRO) have and what we can learn from them
  • What leadership excellence looks like
  • The effectiveness of different leadership styles in different situations
Listening and questioning
  • How to use effective listening and questions types
Action Setting
  • What you need to do to be a high performing team
  • Make a commitment to take action
  • Anybody with leadership responsibilities


Managers and Supervisors


Day 1
Welcome and IntroductionGeneral introduction from trainer followed by a senior member of the leadership team setting the scene for the learning over the next two days.
Aims and ObjectivesThese are detailed in the learning outcomes.
Ice-BreakerDelegates introduce themselves and take part in a short activity to break the ice.
Culture Maturity Ladder®The Culture of Care Maturity Ladder® is an evolutionary ladder where the organisation becomes more mature as trust and accountability increase and the safety culture becomes increasingly informed.
Informed CultureThis section builds on the cultural maturity ladder and looks at how an organisation can develop an informed safety culture (James Reason) by having four main pillars in place:

A Reporting Culture

A Just Culture

A Learning Culture

A Flexible Culture
Culture of DenialBeing able to identify warning signs and know what factors make up a safety culture of denial helps an organisation combat these and build resilience.
High Reliability OrganizationsHRO – A look at what High Reliability Organisations are and what they do that makes them so resilient.
Chronic UneaseWhat is chronic unease? Mindfulness in leadership is important if leaders are going to spot potential safety performance problems and issues.
Day 2
Welcome and RecapIntroduction to day 2 and recap of information covered on previous day.
Leadership ExcellenceTo introduce leadership excellence, delegates are asked to think about what makes a person memorable or have the biggest impact. This then leads into the exercise where the skills and qualities of leadership excellence are examined.
Emotional IntelligenceEmotional Intelligence (EI) is said to be more important than IQ. This section gives an overview of the four sections of EI and invites delegates to consider areas for improvement.
Our safety training experts specialize in bringing about significant change and improvement in safety performance and operational excellence. We use 'Care' as the catalyst for bringing about this change.
Our leadership training and development workshop provides the tools organizations need to promote a culture of care among employees at all levels and help to achieve an excellent safety performance. Our approach focuses on what you actually need to do to add value and implement real and sustainable change in safety culture.
DEKRA Organizational Reliability is a behavioral change consultancy. Working in collaboration with our clients, our approach is to influence the safety culture with the aim of 'making a difference for the better'. We deliver the skills, methods, and motivation to change leadership attitudes, behaviors and decision making among employees. Measurable, sustainable improvement of safety outcomes is our goal.