Digital ChaMP - Digital Transformation Change Management Programme

We successfully guide companies in the automotive industry through digital change

Digital transformation is altering organisations of all sizes. Topics such as digitalisation and work 4.0 are becoming increasingly important for car dealerships, retailers and other stakeholders in the automotive industry. The impact of these trends is felt increasingly in day-to-day business activities. In addition to affecting the vehicles themselves and their manufacture, the digital revolution also poses new challenges to administration and communication.

In car dealerships, in particular, customer behavior and purchasing processes have changed considerably. Consumers are turning more frequently to online platforms for their purchases and bring high expectations to these virtual transactions, resulting in market stagnation. To ride the rising tide of change, companies need to take timely action and embrace digitalised business models and processes.
Our holistic coaching services were developed especially for your industry by our experts and were designed to lend a helping hand. Considering the current level of digital readiness of your organisation, we work with you to plan the right strategy for successful digital transformation while offering you comprehensive services from a single source. Our experienced experts draw on their strong backgrounds in the automotive industry to offer a solution-oriented, pragmatic approach to managing change.

Your Benefits

  • Immediate feedback on your digital readiness status with our digital readiness assessment
  • Time and cost savings with expert advice and the right strategy
  • Employee engagement throughout the digital transformation process
  • State-of-the-art technological capabilities and a competitive edge

Our Approach

With our comprehensive consulting services for digitalisation in car dealerships and retailers we assist you through every phase of the digitalisation process. We show you what opportunities digital change offers your business and how you can get off to a successful start. We provide you with the right solutions to react flexibly to all the challenges of digital transformation, to optimise customer experience in car dealerships and to distinguish yourself from your competitors.
1) Digital Readiness Check
The first step is to complete our free online self-assessment to find out quickly and easily what your company's digital readiness level is.
2) Evaluation
The resulting report reflects your current status and forms the basis for the change management coaching services that follow. The next step is to determine whether your company has already defined goals for digital transformation, which business services can be digitalised, and who is primarily responsible for the process.
3) Coaching
Based on the results of the digital readiness assessment, we work with you to develop a strategy that is precisely tailored to the needs of your organisation. We then suggest suitable options and solutions and decide on additional measures and processes to complete the transformation. Our experts have developed a toolbox that supports leadership as the company moves toward and engages in a structured, rigorous change management process.
4) Implementation
Management plays a crucial role in implementing the proposed changes. Leaders must give the project both orientation and meaning in order to motivate all participants. They must also be able to manage crises, conflicts and resistance effectively. Our experts provide leaders with appropriate methods and targeted advice throughout the entire implementation process. We also offer follow up support with appropriate check-ups after digitalisation is complete.


  • We have longstanding experience and expertise in supervising change management projects.
  • We offer comprehensive know-how in all areas of the automotive industry, from manufacturer to dealer to workshop.
  • We understand how to master daily challenges at the Point of Sale (POS).
  • We provide a worldwide, cross-industry network of experts.
  • We offer a holistic approach that encompasses every step, from planning through implementation and with comprehensive services from a single source.