Culture of Care Diagnostic®

Safety culture assessment - measuring performance with safety metrics

Safety is a universal value, no matter the industry. Complex regulatory frameworks attempt to ensure safe practices, and many organisations are motivated to make changes from within to protect employees, assets and the environment.

We have developed a tool built around the concept of care as the motivating factor behind safe behaviours: if you care about someone or something you are more likely to be invested in its safety, whether it is a person, equipment or even a process. Our diagnostics take stock of the big picture, relying on a holistic, integrated model of the elements that comprise a safe work culture.
Transformational change is the result of our approach, which describes an organisation’s culture of care and measures its maturity. By identifying unrecognised problems lurking beneath the surface, we take safety beyond euphemisms such as “improvement opportunities” to facilitate sustainable and profound shifts in company culture.

Your Benefits

  • Promoting a culture of safety and care at work
  • Reliable protection of employees, assets and the environment
  • Compliance with a complex legal framework

Our Approach

There are a range of methods we recommend, depending on the unique situation of each organisation. These include:
  • Observation and audit: an assessment and diagnosis of safety culture with reference to six dimensions (authentic leadership, control of work, learning and development, communication, role of HSE, workforce engagement) against a five-stage maturity scale.
  • Perception surveys, e.g. OCS (Organisational Care Survey), interviews and focus groups: targeted questions provide insight into the experiences of both leaders and employees in regard to the six dimensions and maturity framework as well as the cumulative impact of the elements included in the maturity scale.
  • Diagnostic consultant: with full and unaccompanied access to the site, this expert attends relevant meetings and performs observations of work activities as part of objective evidence gathering.
We submit a diagnostic report of your safety culture 2-3 weeks following the safety diagnostics consultant’s last day onsite. The report indicates the overall result on the Culture of Care Maturity Ladder, discusses areas of greatest risk, and recommends potential solutions in order to develop an individualised safety strategy.


  • We are your trusted advisor in questions of safety culture, drawing on the know-how of experts from the behavioural science, technology and industry.
  • We have an excellent global reputation and multinational presence.
  • We specialise in providing reliable diagnostics and unique, tailor-made solutions.