Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust... and Dust to Ashes - The impact of variables on dust explosion properties
Combustible dust explosions continue to be the source of fatalaccidents around the world. In North America, OSHA’s NationalEmphasis Program on Combustible Dusts followed by NFPA 652(Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust) seeks to raiseawareness and seed good practices just as the ATEX Directives inEurope with the same intention but using a regulatory instrument toenforce compliance. Despite these initiatives incidents continue tooccur.
The cornerstone of ensuring that a robust “safe system of work” or“basis of safety” exists for dust explosion risks is having sufficientknowledge of the characteristics of the dust on which soundprocedural and engineering control / safety measures can be based.How can an explosion be avoided reliably if the ignition sensitivity ofthe dust is unknown?
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